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Version: Version 3.3 - Segmentation Support 🚧

Toolbar Service


ToolBarService handles the toolbar section buttons, and what happens when a button is clicked by the user.


TOOL_BAR_MODIFIEDFires when a button is added/removed to the toolbar
TOOL_BAR_STATE_MODIFIEDFires when an interaction happens and ToolBarService state is modified


  • recordInteraction(interaction): executes the provided interaction which is an object providing the following properties to the ToolBarService:

    • interactionType: can be tool, toggle and action. We will discuss more each type below.
    • itemId: tool name
    • groupId: the Id for the tool button group; e.g., Wwwc which holds presets.
    • commandName: if tool has a command attached to run
    • commandOptions: arguments for the command.
    • setActive: Sets a given tool active (not as primary but as secondary)
  • reset: reset the state of the toolbarService, set the primary tool to be Wwwc and unsubscribe tools that have registered their functions.

  • addButtons: add the button definition to the service. See below for button definition.

  • setButtons: sets the buttons defined in the service. It overrides all the previous buttons

  • getActiveTools: returns the active tool + all the toggled-on tools


ToolBarService has an internal state that gets updated per tool interaction and tracks the active toolId, state of the buttons that have toggled state, and the group buttons and which tool in each group is active.

state = {
primaryToolId: 'Wwwc',
toggles: {
/* id: true/false */
groups: {
/* track most recent click per group...*/

Interaction type​

There are three main types that a tool can have which is defined in the interaction object.

  • tool: setting a tool to be active; e.g., measurement tools
  • toggle: toggling state of a tool; e.g., viewport link (sync)
  • action: performs a registered action outside of the ToolBarService; e.g., capture

A simplified implementation of the ToolBarService is:

export default class ToolBarService {
/** ... **/
recordInteraction(interaction) {
/** ... **/
switch (interactionType) {
case 'action': {
case 'tool': {
this.state.primaryToolId = itemId;

commandsManager.runCommand('setToolActive', interaction.commandOptions);
case 'toggle': {
this.state.toggles[itemId] =
this.state.toggles[itemId] === undefined
? true
: !this.state.toggles[itemId];
interaction.commandOptions.toggledState = this.state.toggles[itemId];
throw new Error(`Invalid interaction type: ${interactionType}`);
/** ... **/
/** ... **/

Button Definitions​

The simplest toolbarButtons definition has the following properties:


"id": "Zoom",
"type": "ohif.radioGroup",
"props": {
"type": "tool",
"icon": "tool-zoom",
"label": "Zoom",
"commands": [
"commandName": "setToolActive",
"commandOptions": {
"toolName": "Zoom"
"context": "CORNERSTONE"
idUnique string identifier for the definition*
typeUsed to determine the button's behaviour"tool", "toggle", "action"
iconA string name for an icon supported by the consuming application.*
labelUser/display friendly to show in UI*
commands(optional) The commands to run when the button is used. It include a commandName, commandOptions, and/or a contextAny command registered by a CommandModule

There are three main types of toolbar buttons:

  • tool: buttons that enable a tool by running the setToolActive command with the commandOptions
  • toggle: buttons that acts as a toggle: e.g., linking viewports
  • action: buttons that executes an action: e.g., capture button to save screenshot

Nested Buttons​

You can use the ohif.splitButton type to build a button with extra tools in the dropdown.

  • First you need to give your primary tool definition to the split button
  • the secondary properties can be a simple arrow down (chevron-down icon)
  • For adding the extra tools add them to the items list.

You can see below how longitudinal mode is using the available toolbarModule to create MeasurementTools nested button


"id": "MeasurementTools",
"type": "ohif.splitButton",
"props": {
"groupId": "MeasurementTools",
"isRadio": true,
"primary": {
"id": "Length",
"icon": "tool-length",
"label": "Length",
"type": "tool",
"commands": [
"commandName": "setToolActive",
"commandOptions": {
"toolName": "Length"
"context": "CORNERSTONE"
"commandName": "setToolActive",
"commandOptions": {
"toolName": "SRLength",
"toolGroupId": "SRToolGroup"
"context": "CORNERSTONE"
"tooltip": "Length"
"secondary": {
"icon": "chevron-down",
"label": "",
"isActive": true,
"tooltip": "More Measure Tools"
"items": [
"id": "Bidirectional",
"icon": "tool-bidirectional",
"label": "Bidirectional",
"type": "tool",
"commands": [
"commandName": "setToolActive",
"commandOptions": {
"toolName": "Bidirectional"
"context": "CORNERSTONE"
"commandName": "setToolActive",
"commandOptions": {
"toolName": "SRBidirectional",
"toolGroupId": "SRToolGroup"
"context": "CORNERSTONE"
"tooltip": "Bidirectional Tool"
"id": "ArrowAnnotate",
"icon": "tool-annotate",
"label": "Annotation",
"type": "tool",
"commands": [
"commandName": "setToolActive",
"commandOptions": {
"toolName": "ArrowAnnotate"
"context": "CORNERSTONE"
"commandName": "setToolActive",
"commandOptions": {
"toolName": "SRArrowAnnotate",
"toolGroupId": "SRToolGroup"
"context": "CORNERSTONE"
"tooltip": "Arrow Annotate"